Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm bored out of me gourd. Bucky ain't been around. No one's been around. All me mates are out working the field or burning in hell while I'm stuck here.

I don't understand why the one god did it.

"This shall be a universe of science and technology, let no creature of power subvert my law," he said.

Why? Science and technology is soooooo bloody boring. Now magic always has that element of surprise. You're never really sure if it's going to work right and if you're not on the top of your game it will probably backfire on you. I've seen many a mate blow 'em self up. Now that's some funny stuff.

I remember back before the great purge when this here big blue marble was a regular balls to the wall magical battleground. Oh the fireworks were something to behold. Entire civilizations warred with fearsome arcane energies. Great wizards, huge monsters, awesome mythical creatures all roamed the land stomping on the old monkey boys and girls just for fun. That was the good old days!

Then came the great purge and now we got microwave popcorn and Ipods. It's a enough to make a demon go back to hell.

- Aimless