It just fries my nuggets. Roasts 'em up in peanut oil and serves 'em to the hounds with hot sauce! Administration law says we denizens of detention aren't allowed to roam the real worlds because the one God has decreed this here universe is to be run on the principles of science and technology. Pah!
Of course every chance they get those Administration pukes are pulling off miracles left and right! I read a story this morning about a baby thrown 300 feet by a tornado with naught but scratches. Now you tell me a Guardian Angel didn’t catch that tyke and set him down all real gentle like!
Good enough for the goose ain't good enough for the gander around these here parts I say! I’ve got a right mind to go out and make a miracle of my own. Maybe I’ll go out and turn a few politicians into vampires and stir it up a little… of course then again no one would notice that… Pah!
- Aimless