I’m one confused bugger I is… I’ve been creeping about this here Bangalore rolling out all what’s happened to me in me head, but can’t make no sense of it. I’ve been trying to track down this here Sidious, but he’s gone to ground real good. I haven’t been in this part of the world for a few centuries so I don’t have me any contacts of note anymore.
I did manage to track down Sidious's little messenger boy. He screamed a right long time, but never gave up any information. I found it difficult to believe that he could be afraid of someone more than me. I even changed into me full blooded demon suit. Of course that there was a strategic mistake, because it so vexed the little fellah he expired with a busted heart. Pah!!!
The thing that keeps coming back to me head was something Michael said. It was something about an Animostiroth. Who the bloody hell is Animostiroth? Is he from one of the rings out past the third ring of hell? I never did go out much that way. I heard the rats own the seventh ring and I hate rats. Is this bloke a new player?
If he’s got the connections and/or power to send agents into the real worlds then he’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. Me dilemma is do I report all this back to Tres. He’s the bloody fool that sent me out here in the first place and I’m not sure if he set me up.
I could report right back to Lucky, but old Luke don’t like it much when you break the chain of command. I’ve never made that one angry and I never plan to. He’s got a right sharp temper he does.
I guess I’ll keep looking for Sidious. Maybe I’ll whip me up some searchers. I’ll use that little messenger’s blood as tracking material. That’s it! Now I got me a plan!
- Aimless